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Virtual Live | Building Teams that Work

ID : 100667   
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When a team isn’t working well, work slows down, customers get less than stellar service; engagement among the team erodes, and performance suffers. Everyone’s workday is at risk. But when a team is working well, people show up as their best selves, productivity climbs, customer experience rises, and even on our off days, we know that someone has our back. So how do individuals build the skills they need to work well in a team?

Through anecdotes, stories, examples, skill practice, and activities, this session allows participants to reflect on a small set of skills and habits that help individuals learn to become better team members, including effective communication, relationship management, and organizational advocacy. You’ll leave with at least three things you can apply right away in interactions with your fellow team members!

By attending this course, participants will:
  • Identify three common habits of indispensable team members
  • Gain specific tools and techniques to improve in communication, relationship management, and organizational advocacy
  • Practice applying these skills to common situations to improve success when you encounter them in the future

Class Details

1 Session(s)

Zoom- Virtual

Sinikka Waugh Your Clear Next Stop 



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
10/14/2025 Tue 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM Online, Zoom- Virtual  Map Sinikka Waugh Your Clear Next Stop