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Virtual Live | Navigating Through Tough Moments

ID : 100677   
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We’ve all had tough moments – when tensions were running high or when we weren’t “at our best”, and then a moment of misunderstanding, disagreement, or confrontation tipped us (or the person in front of us) over the edge into something ugly. Learn to anticipate and manage these tough moments with a little more grace so they don’t distract you or those around you.

This quick-hit session equips participants with the tools they need to navigate through tough moments of conflict in the workplace, including focusing on making the situation safe, valuing other human beings, finding common purpose, demonstrating candor, and practicing effective communication. Built on the foundations of self-management and other-awareness, this five-step
framework is easy to remember and ready to apply.

By attending this course, participants will achieve the following learning outcomes:
  • Gain a simple, easy-to-apply model for self-management through times of conflict
  • Learn tools and techniques for recognizing how to move through potentially conflict-inducing situations with grace and peace instead of tension

Class Details

1 Session(s)

Zoom- Virtual

Sinikka Waugh Your Clear Next Stop 



Please read:  Log in instructions will be sent 2 days prior to training date.



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
11/11/2025 Tue 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM Online, Zoom- Virtual  Map Sinikka Waugh Your Clear Next Stop