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Career Pathway Certificate: Intro to Cabinet Making & Casework - Dubuque

ID : 101106   
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  This ‘earn while you learn’ course is designed to teach you the basic skills and knowledge of materials and processes associated with cabinet construction and furniture/casework. Through a combination of class work and 60 hours of paid, hands-on lab work, you will learn tool use and safety, methods of drafting and design, principles of using a CNC router, basics of solid woods, man-made tools used in cabinet making, cabinet joinery, cabinet hardware, and assembly and finishing techniques. You will also design and build your own unique project using the skills you acquire. Additionally, you will receive training about work ethic, soft skills and problem-solving techniques related to becoming a productive employee.

Class Details

31 Session(s)
Days of the Week :Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Tue, Fri.  
  Weekly - Wed.  
  Weekly - Wed.  
  Weekly - Thu.  

Location : Multiple Location : 
  NICC Dubuque Center
  NICC Town Clock Business Center
  Four Mounds Foundation.

Instructor : Multiple Instructor :
 1.Eric Ethier  2.IowaWorks  3.A NICC Expert 



Please read:  Training for this course takes place at the Four Mounds Foundation on Peru Road in Dubuque.



Schedule Information

Skip dates: (No class on 04/18/2025)

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
2/18/2025 - 5/20/2025 Weekly - Tue, Fri 02:30 PM - 05:30 PM Dubuque, Four Mounds Foundation  Map Eric Ethier 
2/19/2025 - 3/5/2025 Weekly - Wed 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM Dubuque, NICC Dubuque Center  Map A NICC Expert 
4/23/2025 - 4/23/2025 Weekly - Wed 03:30 PM - 07:30 PM Dubuque, NICC Town Clock Business Center  Map A NICC Expert 
4/24/2025 - 4/24/2025 Weekly - Thu 03:30 PM - 07:30 PM Dubuque, NICC Town Clock Business Center  Map IowaWorks