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Medication Aide - Hybrid- (District-Wide)

ID : 99961   
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This class prepares students to safely prepare, administer and record non-parenteral medications in a clinical setting. Forty-eight hours of classroom instruction teaches the science and 12 clinical hours provide experiential skill development. If employed in a certified nursing facility all applicants must: be employed by the facility sponsor, working a minimum of 480 hours, eligible on the Iowa Nurse Aide Registry, provide recommendation from the administrator in the facility in which they are employed. If employed in a residential or related type of agency licensed by DIA all applicants must provide a letter of recommendation from the administrator in the facility in which they are employed. At the time of enrollment, each student must identify the RN who will supervise the validation of competencies in the clinical area.
Call 844-642-2338 ext. 1399 to Register Send to Friend »

Class Details

118 Session(s)
Days of the Week :Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun.  
  Weekly - Thu.  
  Weekly - Thu.  
  Weekly - Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu.  
  Weekly - Wed.  
  Weekly - Wed.  

Location : Multiple Location : 
  To Be Announced
  NICC Dubuque Center
  NICC Max Clark Hall
  NICC Student Center
  NICC Town Clock Business Center
  Brightspace LMS System.

Instructor : Multiple Instructor :
 1.Monica Da Cunha Kehren  2.Kelly Deeney  3.Pamela Moritz  4.Rebecca Walters 



Please read:  Students may not self-register for this class (only a facility may register a student). An RN must be designated for 12-hours of Clinical by the sponsoring facility upon registration. NICC must receive a "Recommendation Form" prior to registration. Recommendation and Registration Forms are provided by NICC on request and must be sent to the Health Program Developer for approval. The lecture portion of this class is completed online. Lab and Clinical are completed on-site, Lab is held at the college, while clinicals are held at the student's sponsoring facility. Students must receive an 80% GPA in Lecture in order to attend Clinical. Each student must pass the final exam (state test) with an 80% (or above) to receive their Certified Medication Aide certificate. 100% Attendance is required for the 60-hour course.



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
1/20/2025 - 3/30/2025 Weekly - Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Virtual Online, Brightspace LMS System  Map Pamela Moritz  ; Kelly Deeney  ; Monica Da Cunha Kehren 
2/13/2025 - 2/13/2025 Weekly - Thu 09:00 AM - 03:30 PM Calmar, NICC Max Clark Hall  Map Pamela Moritz  ; Kelly Deeney  ; Monica Da Cunha Kehren 
2/13/2025 - 2/13/2025 Weekly - Thu 09:00 AM - 03:30 PM Dubuque, NICC Town Clock Business Center  Map Rebecca Walters  ; Kelly Deeney  ; Monica Da Cunha Kehren 
2/14/2025 - 3/29/2025 Weekly - Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM To Be Announced, To Be Announced  Map Kelly Deeney  ; Monica Da Cunha Kehren 
4/2/2025 - 4/2/2025 Weekly - Wed 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM Calmar, NICC Student Center  Map Kelly Deeney  ; Monica Da Cunha Kehren 
4/2/2025 - 4/2/2025 Weekly - Wed 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM Dubuque, NICC Dubuque Center  Map Kelly Deeney  ; Monica Da Cunha Kehren